Soda machine

November 2019

George Costanza was in a restaurant. Two Indian men grabbed his arms and said they would put him in a soda machine, and that he would be entirely submerged in soda except for when the customers filled up their cups, "and that's when you'll get your chance to breathe. Any questions?" George looked at the men and timidly said "What are the chances of ... not doing it?"


December 2019


The Democrats had decided to flood the Senate with either 63 or 65 impeachment articles, figuring that they would spend so much time on each of them that they would have time for little else, and that at least some of the articles were likely to pass even if the Republicans became impatient.

Malfunctioning stove

December 22, 2019

At 450F, an island stove was malfunctioning as I was cooking rice and beef in it. I think the stove actually ejected the pot like in cartoons and the food spilled all over the floor.

Malfunctioning computer

December 27, 2019

Changing text

A window on my computer was malfunctioning, showing constantly changing text. I think I loaded a screen recorder to show what was going on ... or maybe the screen recorder program was the one that was malfunctioning. After a few minutes it began to calm down, in a gradual way that seemed unnatural for a computer.

The teenager's treehouse

As a joke, a teenage girl in a treehouse was talking about how LePen was in love with Satan.


December 29, 2019


Seated at a long table about halfway down, I'm participating in a quiz of some kind. The host of the quiz was on the other side of the table, and she asked a question "What did LePage found at age 12?" I thought for a few seconds while the others started to guess, and then yelled out "Audubon!" I mispronounced it slightly but I don't remember what part I got wrong.

A few seconds later, a woman further down than me said in a voice of praise, "That does not seem to have been hesitated." And I think a different person near her said, "I told you, he's good." I think I had actually answered at the same time as someone else, and that their answer was also correct, but I don't remember if it was the same answer as mine or if he had founded two things. They were surprised that I was able to match their best contestant, even if just on that one question. However, I think my answer was a split second later than the other's.

The dream became abstract at this point, and I remember seeing words spelled out including JIMMY DORE     GRACE with the words PEABOD YX and then ESSEX MA underneath that. Hitler was also mentioned somewhere, as was the phrase "OF COURSE!"


A separate dream involved me finding in my red notebook that Anita, a character I had created in my childhood comics, was originally named Jen. I thus had a dark-haired Jen and a blonde Jen. Yet another snippet of a dream involved Walmart, and I think I was working at Walmart in this dream but I remember nothing else.

Therapy bus

January 1, 2020

Skinny Robae

I was on a crowded bus with my parents and many others in Portland. We had been traveling for fifty minutes and were still not at our destination yet. The bus made a stop at a store that was in a large multistory building. Inside this building was a therapy group that some other riders were going to. I wasn't interested, but I decided to get off the bus at that stop anyway and enter the building, and then walk a bit further to the left inside the complex. I nearly bump into a handicapped woman and then turn back around. Another woman was watching me as I approached her; I think she was the caretaker of the handicapped woman.

Then I go outside, and meet a large Native American man who starts talking about a band named "Skinny Robae". He accused the band members of killing a baby boy, and is happy that I'm listening to him. I told him I wasn't going anywhere, and would be there for at least some hours. Either just before this or just after, I had checked dozens of rooms inside the building (not the part with the therapy group) and saw many men in small rooms, perhaps including bathrooms.


January 3, 2020

I was in a store, and had a choice of black shoes versus some others.

Scrap dreams

January 4, 2020


Sal returned to the board as "Sal_-wiki" or "Sal_-web" and said he couldn't get his *new* account to work properly.


I was at my warehouse job, working mostly in a basement that was accessed by a door on the far left of the 3rd floor. There was at least one room, and probably several, that I had to pass through to get from the third floor to the warehouse, and they were furnished rooms. The building resembled a school in some ways.

With some others, I was carrying supplies through the door to the warehouse, and we went back and forth several times. But after some time, a quiet smoke alarm went off and I realized that there was blue smoke in a warehouse on the third floor (not the one we were working in).

Playing with bops, and I remember choosing the number 72 as an example of a particularly low number, as if most of the others had three digits.

The Lollipop Boy

January 5, 2020

The Lollipop Boy

I was walking along the trail in the woods by the local YMCA on a hot summer day. I stayed close behind a 2-year-old boy who was singing me a song with 13 notes on one stanza ... this song was a story and from the melody it seemed like it might be a sad one but with hopefully a happy ending. The melody was vaguely similar to Greensleeves but the lines were shorter.

The boy's parents were to the left of him walking in lock step with him and me. The boy's singing was very good, and I asked if he was signed up with a company even though I believed I already knew that he was part of a children's band called the Lollipops. I dont remember if I got an answer to this question, but I soon asked another one, because I noticed the boy had stopped singing. I said something like "Wait, I wanted to hear what happened to the ..." and then the boy's parents showed me that the boy had passed out from the heat and was lying on his left cheek. They picked him up and put him in a stroller that I hadn't paid attention to until then.

I offered to revive the boy by going home to get a bottle of water, since I was close to my home and wasn't sure the parents were close to theirs. I decided as I walked home that I would also get one for myself, since it was indeed very hot out. The brand name of the water bottles was Crystal Geyser.

As I was walking home, however, another man with a dark beard warned the parents not to trust me, but I think I kept going without answering him.


A separate and much shorter dream involved me turning my phone in for an iPhone 5, or possibly iPhone 5s. I think I had the choice of either one and that they were my mother's old phones. I remember not liking the iPhones but figuring that I could always switch to something else if I got too annoyed by the user interface, since I wasn't paying anything.

The lollipop dream is the first dream since the Onion ring dream in late 2014 in which I specifically remember doing something nice for someone else.


January 6, 2020


UIS ("Borg") was on a deck of playing cards. I was going to contact him and let him know his face was being used without his permission, but I never got around to it in the dream, and I remember looking at other playing cards in that deck as well.

Candidates in the closet

January 7, 2020


I remember a grid of presidential candidates. I think all of the Democrats were there, but that there might have been other Republicans besides Trump available. Clicking the icons would load election night competitions. I may have been pulling on the election night simulation videos I've been watching lately, but I also remember in the dream thinking that the icons were themselves links to dreams, as though I had had a dream for each possible matchup.

The boy in the closet

A young boy (perhaps just two years old) was in my bedroom closet, but he got stuck on a straight rubber coathook attached to the wall and spun around up over it and then fell back and landed on the floor. A woman, presumably his mother, was also in my bedroom, as were her two other children, I think a girl and a boy. All of them were very young, and the girl and boy may have been twins since they looked similar and were the same size.

The girl and boy walked towards me and climbed up on my bed. I think the boy was on my left and the girl was on my right. I wasn't paying much attention to them, though ... I was worried the mother would sue me for the injury the youngest boy suffered in my closet. But I got the impression that she realized it wasn't my fault and that she wasn't angry at me.  I don't think I ever left my bed during the entire dream.

I dont remember what my bed looked like in this dream, but I think it was full size, because the children had plenty of room to crawl around.  The rest of the bedroom was unlike any bedroom I've lived in, which is common for my dreams.

Usually children in my dreams live independently and behave in many ways like adults. This is the second consecutive dream in which a young boy is accompanied by a parent.

New dryer

January 7, 2020


"The French" were involved in ruining my clothes. I was looking for a new apartment, and had an appointment to interview someone who would help determine if I would be a good tenant. My clothes had been washed and dried, but my mother had put them into a second machine underneath the dryer which would for five cents distribute help to a family in need. But when I looked at the clothes, they were all ruined. I still had one pair of pants, because I had never washed the pants in the first place, but I was upset because most of the clothes I'm attached to were in that machine.

My parents have recently bought a new washer and dryer. I no longer remember what the French involvement in this dream was .... but "French" was the first word I spoke into the voice recorder.

Wine and women

January 7, 2020


My dad was mowing the lawn, but the building we were in didn't look like our house. My mother was also there, as were many other people. I remember I had a bottle of wine about 40% full in the freezer (but in the dream, it was a fridge), and I didn't want anyone to see that, so I grabbed it when I was alone in the room. It was late. I walked with the wine bottle visible towards my bedroom, and my dad was a flight above me and I figured he probably did see it but I didn't stop or make any sound as he passed me.

Two women

A very short young Asian woman and a woman I believe was her mother were with me in a large open room with cabinets about four feet high attached to the walls. It was somewhat like a drawing room or a science lab but there was no furniture in the middle of the room. I looked at the young woman's pajamas and saw some words with "aa" in them, so I figured the language was Tagalog and that the women were Filipina.

I was leaning against one of the cabinets, whose door was open. The younger woman ran towards me and grabbed my left hip, but I didn't move, and she couldn't get into the cabinet with my body blocking her path. Why she didn't go around me, I don't know. Nevertheless, just a few seconds later, I moved out of her way and she crawled into the cabinet and through the closed-off area leading around the corner and to the other side of the room.

Yes, I had five dreams in a single night, and I may have even had a sixth, because I remember waking up after a dream and telling myself not to write it down because I knew that sleep was better than dreams. I had two more dreams the next night, but didn't bother recording them because I felt I had had enough and that I would rather get back to sleep immediately than take time to preserve the dreams.

Broken batteries

January 9, 2020

"Iman" and two others stole over $800 from me on a table in a store resembling Walgreens. I fought back by stealing some expensive batteries that were sitting on their own table, and confirmed that the batteries I was swiping were indeed worth hundreds of dollars apiece, and presumed that they would have to pay to replace them. But they didn't seem worried and I soon realized that the batteries I took from them were used up and thus worthless.

This store had aisles and I remember at one point being in the back of the store were there were roll-up adhesive wall maps.


January 9, 2020

I was lying face down in bed as another man set up cameras to film a scene for his amateur porn movie, where he was the top and I was the bottom. I was a little bit impatient because I wasn't interested in the movie, but I was still happy. As he detailed what he was about to do to me, I listened and asked a few questions. I only remember the last one: "Safe?" (As in, was he going to be wearing a condom?) And he said "Yes, of course!" or something like that.


January 9, 2020

I was playing Jeopardy with Asian women on board a boat. (The host was female, but I didn't write down if she was also Asian.) I was sitting at the edge of the boat, not saying much. I think the question was "Ginocchio" and the woman I was supporting yelled out "Knee!" and then I followed up with "We got it!" Thus, I was in the game even though I wasn't behind a podium, and we were playing as a team.

But the answer was not "knee", but rather "eye". The clue was a pun, and I had not understood that. The woman awarded us 4 points, which I think was less than half of the full value of the clue. She said "It's okay, it's not alright, it's alright, it's not alright". Ken Jennings was in this match as well, and it was the grand championship.

The Italian words for knee and eye are respectively ginocchio and occhio, but in my waking mind I don't see any pun involved here. This was pronounced with a hard /g/ sound because I had learned this word incorrectly long ago and never realized my mistake.

Inconvenience store

January 10, 2020


I was in line at a Walgreens-like store, and remember paying but not getting the things I had paid for. I think I wasn't as upset as I normally would have been because I recognized the situation as being similar to one I had created inside a video game where humans pay to get into a bar but are quickly pushed out of the way by bigger, stronger animals who had not paid.


I found another dream from January 12 that I don't remember, so all I have is the writeup. I had not done my German homework, perhaps because women talking to me told me I didn't need to. I then wrote about an ampersand dream involving the word "female".


January 14, 2020


It seemed that a particular Wikipedia article had been edited by George Carlin, because several paragraphs in a row were very similar to something he had once said. But because Carlin was no longer alive, we couldn't confirm that it was actually his.


January 14, 2020

I was in this game again, this time in person rather than playing with a controller. All of the blocks were white but I was hiding from them instead of trying to clear them off the board. I realized that I could hide by going to an area on the opposite side of where they were moving. A woman, "AB", was with me, and was on the opposite side from me horizontally. Like me, she was hiding from the blocks to avoid being crushed. Neither of us seemed worried that the game board would disappear, and it seems like the blocks were simply rolling off the board over and over without causing the board to collapse. I think we both had beds to hide in.

I don't know the significance of the woman being called AB .... I don't think those were her initials.  She may have appeared in another dream the next night, where I called her Abby. This is the name of a girl I knew online long ago, who I've recently been reminded of because I've met someone online with a very similar name (though the new person is a man, I only talk with him over text media, and so I still imagine him as the girl I used to know).  The AB in the dream was definitely a woman, however, not a girl.

The necklace

January 15, 2020

In a school with lots of rooms, I was in a gymnasium on the bottom floor. I walked through several different rooms. I saw lots of bathrooms as well. Lots of people were present. I found a tiny necklace that looked like copper and picked it up.

A young girl ran towards me immediately and slammed into my belly, slightly towards my right. I said "Whoa whoa whoa whoa, I didn't even do it yet!" I knew the necklace was hers, but I wasn't going to give it back, and was about to show her that stealing her necklace was only the first of my tricks. I think I was simply teasing her, and planned to give it back to her after I'd gotten a reaction out of her. However, I never got to that in the dream. Some other people mostly didn't interact with me, but I was walking through their areas.

This dream might be partly a subconscious recycling of the Zager dream, where at the very end of the dream, a young girl with some sort of superpowers came running to me carrying the bracelet that provided her powers, and when she got close I started pulling on the bracelet.

My words to the girl in this dream were almost certainly from this comic.

Oklahoma victory

January 15, 2020

Trump achieved victory in the state of Oklahoma. I was with someone and we may have been eating at Applebee's.

This is another dream that would probably make a lot more sense if I had written it down, but as much as I love dreams, I've been telling myself that sleep is even better than dreams, and sometimes I remember just a fragment of the dream.

"Abby" was apparently with me in this dream. She may have been the same person as AB above.

Bad dishes

January 15, 2020

I was eating at a Chinese buffet restaurant called AC Moore. The dishes were laid out on top of the serving area, but I noticed a lot of them were dirty and had to root through them to find ones I felt safe eating from. Some other customers saw me doing this and seemed annoyed. The food didn't look that great either. After I had had two plates (I think maybe I had had chicken and a bowl of rice), I left the restaurant and met my parents.

Soon after I met up with my parents, I wanted to go back to the restaurant to get more food, but I knew that even though it was a buffet, I would not be let back in because I had had my meal and then left.


January 16, 2020

I was with the Bernie Sanders campaign, and they were talking about how in 2016, they had been hacked or had gotten a virus of some sort. I think they may have been running against Elizabeth Warren at the time, even though it was the 2016 campaign.

I remember the next dream much more clearly than this one, and may have corrupted some elements of this one with events that happened in the other one. This is part of a string of five dreams involving Bernie Sanders that I didn't bother to fully write down since they were very similar to each other.

The Helping Hand

January 16, 2020

Just like a mobile phone

My parents were using the computer and were running Adobe Photoshop. I think my mother was seated. But when she went to minimize the program, the computer didn't respond. I think she got up from the chair and may have asked me what was wrong. After a few seconds, an oversized hand with huge, round, slightly squared-off fingers appeared on the screen and appeared to tap in the general area of where she had clicked the mouse. For almost a full minute, the computer was unresponsive, but various things happened very slowly. Several times, the entire interface "simplified" and shook, which is something that I think used to happen in older versions of Windows when the system was under severe strain. Finally the oversized hand disappeared slowly off the bottom of the screen, and revealed (though it was obvious by now) that it was a virus, seemingly one that was meant to simulate all the frustration of a mobile UI. To drive the point home, the virus then tunneled through the bottom of the screen and burned out the user's private parts, leaving them neutered and utterly helpless. (But by this time, none of us was sitting in the chair.)

Gory movie

January 16, 2020

I was watching two toddlers watch a gory movie, which they showed more interest in than I did. They were on a lounge chair, both sharing the same seat, while I was leaning over that lounge chair. I don't think I had any place else to sit. The kids seemed entirely unfazed by the movie and as I got up to go to the bathroom I realized that they were enjoying it and I wasn't.

Five minutes to eat

January 17, 2020

I arrived at the cafeteria 25 minutes after the lunch period began, meaning that I only had five minutes left. Most of the food was already gone, and there were no plates or napkins. The women serving the food served me a meal consisting of a single enormous salad, mostly lettuce, topped with slices of cheese. They gave me a pile of large paper bags to use as a plate, and small ones to use as napkins.

This sounds like a school dream, but I never left the cafeteria, and didn't get the impression that I had anywhere to go after the lunch was over.

Global warming

January 18, 2020

Looking at NOAA's Seasonal Outlook, I saw that 2020 was forecast to be the warmest year ever, but that New England's 2020 winter would actually be about average. This was originally a longer dream but I remember only this bit.


January 19, 2020

Alex Trebek was a contestant on a game show, and one of the questions was, "Alex Trebek was on this show". There was a difference in scoring depending on whether the contestant answered Jeopardy or Final Jeopardy.

Eclipse 3030

January 19, 2020

Eclipse 3030 was a Christian TV channel, and had a very long commercial about a woman whom they objected to. There was a song sung by children. But it was a happy song, starting out with "She believes in the word of the Lord," and then said something else nice about her before going on to the things they objected to. The songs were closed-captioned.

They were also selling some unrelated products, nothing to do with the woman, and the commercial as a whole was about 90 seconds long. This was still closed-captioned, and there were a few misspellings, such as "sym" and "som" for some.

In the voice recorder I said something that sounds like "Purple Ease Sorbit Offit", but I think I just said "Her beliefs were a little bit off, it...".


January 19, 2020

Veronica from Archie Comics was cooking? and had a portable bureau, but called it her digital assistant. It opened up drawers and had financial papers, not clothes. She was upset because something had happened to it and all of the things were out of alignment (I remember seeing papers sticking up out of the top, not from a drawer.) She fixed it, and later gave someone, either a date or a potential business partner, a tour of her kitchen, which was enormous, the size of a house but all one room. There were multiple stoves and other appliances. She showed the man every little detail, saying, for example, "this is grease" while pointing to a pan that had been used and not cleaned. She took a very long time to get through the kitchen.

At this point, someone began a voice-over, saying Veronica was doing everything wrong, had lost the man's interest, and that things like this were why people dislike Veronica. The woman then imitated Veronica's voice and said, "Oh, why don't we go to the Sith?" Evidently this was some popular attraction that was only available to rich people. The woman then said, "Oh, I wish I had a Sith, I'd go feed the chiducks!"

Dreams in the shower

January 19, 2020

Hot Night

I was with a roommate, Matt L., in an unfamiliar room with two small windows above my bed and I think two more above his. The windows were wider than they were tall, and had screens, but I think the screen on the window nearest me didn't go quite all the way to the bottom. It was very hot in our room even though it was a cold winter night. I think this was due to a hot shower one of us had taken. I realized I needed to open one of the windows if I was going to get any sleep.

Matt wasn't sleeping either, but didn't seem bothered, and I got the impression that he didn't want me to open the window. So I decided to open it just a very little bit, exposing the part where the screen door didn't come all the way down. I worried that spiders might get in, but when I looked again it seemed like the screen door covered the whole window space after all.

Let it Flow

I remember just the end of what was apparently a separate dream: I was taking a shower, but had to leave the water on for some reason when I left, and even when I left the building.

While it would make sense that these two snippets might belong to the same dream, I wrote them down in the opposite order, and may have corrupted the first dream with the shower element of the second dream. It's possible that I wrote them in the opposite order because Hot Night was actually the newest dream, and was more fresh in my mind, but I definitely remember leaving my bedroom during Let it Flow, and don't remember needing to re-enter it during Hot Night.


January 19, 2020

I dreamt that I found a notebook from my teenage years in which I had written down all sorts of things, and apparently there was a neat little list of dreams that I had had, and mostly had not remembered until finding the notebook. I was excited to read them, but there were only a few of them. There were many other things in the notebook that I was also interested in.

I had six dreams this night, unless the two shower dreams were parts of the same dream. This one is the only one I didn't write down or record, so I'm not sure where it belongs sequentially.

Only children pray

January 20, 2020

I was part of a group that was supposed to walk through the woods, and just as we exited we were supposed to pray. I objected to this because it seemed like we were praying to the woods, not to God. Most and perhaps all of the others in the group were young students.

My dad may have been indirectly responsible for this; that is, he caused me to need to sign up for the group, but did not himself know about the group.


January 21, 2020


We were punching Bernie Sanders in the face repeatedly, having discovered that it was "equivalent" to a debate and much easier.


A tiny fragment of a dream I remember involved someone walking around the world while spelling words, and this was some kind of sport similar to a spelling bee.

More Bernie Sanders dreams

January 22, 2020


I remember having even more Bernie Sanders dreams that I didn't write down. I also had a dream about someone named Bernie Mallers, or something very similar, who was running for office in Oregon and may have been running for president.

Sid Meier

January 23, 2020

Sid Meier's Civil War (sic) games series was an object of ridicule, as one person with me (I think a woman) saying that it was so inaccurate it must have been about some other country's civil war.

Then I started talking about symbols and emojis, saying that dangerous things tended to get cute symbols, such as infrared radiation (which i pronounced in-FRARED) getting a bullseye, and fire and bear's claws sharing a U-shaped design with lines through the middle.

Art class

January 28, 2020


I was talking about a word that means a narrow connection, like a dot or a bump. I was reading three screens, one of them saying "there’s just a dot of connection between these two things".

Did I help?

I was in an art class in a large building with both classrooms and places to sleep. I was getting an F in the class because of not doing the work properly, even though I had in fact done the work very quickly and finished early. I had done something in the Hawaiian language but I didnt repeat the words. The teacher gave me a zero and said that if I didnt use up all of the class time I would automatically get an F.

A blonde woman named Elizabeth was seated across the table from me, and I noticed that she didn't use any Hawaiian? words in her art project either, but the teacher didn't seem to have a problem with that. He told me that she would also be getting a zero, but I didnt believe him because Elizabeth continued sitting calmly in her seat as we talked, and seemed unconcerned. He had to remind me what her name was.

I left the classroom and entered my bedroom, which was in the same building. Then I spent the extra time in a men's bathroom, hiding out from both the teacher and other students. There was no hand sanitizer in the bathroom and I didn't have a bottle with me, so I was worried about my hands.

Class was dismissed at :05 (I dont remember the hour, possibly 12 or 1) and the next class began at :15. Another student arrived just before I did, and we were outside now. He admitted that he hadnt used up all of the class time either, and I started to talk to him, but then I saw a toddler go running away from a group of three or four women, so I ran towards her and picked her up. The girl was black, and the woman furthest from me was black, but instead I placed the girl in front of the woman closest to me and asked, "Did I help?"

The O group

January 29, 2020


I attended a local church for their normal service. I remember reading either a large hardcover Bible or another book but I dont remember anything specific from the book. A friend I knew online, Tulikai-kaacaci, was with me in a chatroom, and in this dream, he also lived near me and we sometimes saw each other in person.

I invited the man to church, because this church believed in the same ideas I did, unlike most churches, and I thought that they could help the man where other churches had not. This dream also involved another church in which people were speaking the Tuscan dialect of Italian.


In a separate dream that I recorded only the end of, I was walking down a long, straight concrete road surrounded by tall stone walls on both sides. From somewhere up above, stone walls came down behind me one by one. These walls covered the entire width of the road, and were the same height as the walls on the side, so I thought of them as bridges. There may have been a preexisting true bridge that was supported only at its ends that made me think of the walls as bridges too.

Then a similar stone wall came crashing down in front of me, trapping me between four identical barriers: front, back, left, and right. But even so, I clung to the wall to the right of me (I had been walking near the right edge of the road all along) and pulled myself up. Then I started walking on the top of the wall, which was easily wide enough to walk on.

Then I met up with a few more people, and started talking about a man named Liuhatisi, who had been following me as I walked, and whom I had expected to meet up with me and give me a bottle of water. Another man in this group pointed out that Liu had already arrived and was sitting in front of me, on the other side of a hump. Liu didn't offer me water even when we saw each other, but someone else did, and I was very thirsty and hot, so I drank the water in just two big gulps.

Both of the people's names here are code names, of course, and as in other cases, they are ones that nobody but me could ever trace, because the cipher I used references something physically present in my room and thus unknown to anyone else.

Parking garage

January 30, 2020

I was in a multistory parking garage, I think on the top level, which was mostly open to the air. Yet there were buildings inside the parking garage structure, such as restaurants. I was in an area where I think it cost $8 to park, and I remembered seeing an advertisement for a seafood restaurant I was interested in, but the person I was with realized that it would cost us $16 just to park there, because it cost $8 to get into one area, and then another $8 to pass through a checkpoint and then into another parking area area within that enclosed space which contained the actual restaurant. I began to think about how long it would take to walk from the streets below into the main parking garage, up the stairs, into the enclosed area, and then into the inner parking lot in order to reach the restaurant. But I knew that even if I were to do this, it would be against the rules because people were watching.

Neiling on a bridge

January 31, 2020


Portland Maine had three restaurants with a name similar to Amato's; one of them was bombed or otherwise attacked. Walking home along Washington Ave, I approached an area where two parallel streets ran together. The environment was snowy and much more rural than the real Portland, and as the two roads ran together, I saw a small thicket of woods on the other side of a small patch of snow and walked through it, leading me to another road.


There was a crossword puzzle hanging on the wall. There were 3 "across" clues with no numbers given, just labels that may have been "easy", "medium", and "hard". Or perhaps one of the three was "safe". I was with other people and we had no idea what the clues were, but it was obvious where they belonged in the crossword even though the crossword had no numbers on those rows. It was an area of three adjacent rows of about seven letters which were also the last three letters of seven adjacent vertical rows. (I dont think a real crossword with this setup would be possible because the words would have to align in all directions ... it would essentially need to be a sator square but even larger.)


There was a computer program to calculate temperatures of high-altitude areas when those of the valleys are known. This program created a temperature profile for a glacier near Lypelpyp that was actually much colder in April than in January, and in fact still colder in July than in January. The output looked something like this page but was more colorful, with cells shaded according to temperature. I remember noting that the program must not be working well because of this seasonal lag problem, but I don't know who I was talking to or even if I said it out loud.

There was also a young boy named Neiling America, who called himself "the Field", and had achieved the world record for the longest ever jump?? or some other physical feat. He may have also used the computer program, or the scene where I saw him may have been entirely unrelated.

Longest bridge

In Iraq is the world's longest bridge, linking the north and south of the country and crossing mostly over land rather than rivers. Not a traditional bridge, it was essentially an elevated road free from the traffic problems of the rest. (This fragment may be part of the Glacier/Neiling dream, or it may be a very short dream that I had based on the elements of it.)

Glacier may have actually been two separate dreams, meaning this list would actually be five very short dreams. The restaurant dream may have been two separate dreams as well, bringing the total to six dreams in one night yet again. However, sometimes I have a single dream that is very fragmented, so I can't be sure where to draw the lines. There are definitely at least two dreams here, because I remember waking up and falling back asleep, but beyond that I can't say for sure which scene belongs to which dream, or even which dream occurred before another. I wrote them all down together and only remembered some parts of the dreams after I had been up for a while.

The boy's name may be a reflection of athletes kneeling in protest against America, particularly given that the boy called himself The Field and was an athlete. But perhaps I am also remembering a comedian named Fielding Mellish. I don't remember the boy talking about politics.

Three dreams in a store

February 1, 2020

Dr Pepper

I was in a store "from a boy's perspective ... lying down three times. This store had had many of these things, ..." and I bought many two-liter bottles of true Dr. Pepper (not diet) and many other things. It was too much to carry.


I was working at Staples. This dream was fairly long, but also very mundane because everything that happened throughout the dream was realistic and involved ordinary retail work. I only remember the very end, where a tall man named Dave C spotted me in an aisle .... he was not my boss, but ran a different department by himself and was well-respected by all ... and said "Nice job!"

The knife boys

Two teenage boys were robbing a store and I saw them. They were both wielding knives, but I kicked the knife out of the hand of the boy in front of me. Then I noticed he had a gun strapped into his belt, which was in front of him, not on the side. He smiled as I said something like "Oh, you've got a gun!", but I figured that either it was a toy gun, or it was real but he wouldn't dare to use it. Even so, I decided to run away rather than continue the fight, and I called 911 for help as I ran home.

An ambulance soon arrived, and the police called me to see if everything was okay. I apologized for calling 911, since nobody was hurt, but I thought to myself that because I didn't know the phone number of the police, it was a rational decision after all.

When I arrived at my house, my mother opened the door, but the boys were already inside. I was not surprised, since they were neighbors, and had not been known for committing crimes. Neither was I afraid of them. Our house was very large, like a hospital, with many long hallways and offices. I managed to shoo the boys out of the house by telling my mother what had happened, and they went without any fuss. But I was worried that they would simply reenter the house somewhere else and attack me there. I turned left from our living room and walked down a very long hallway. After a ways, I saw a poster on the wall with my mother and a similar-looking woman, and I remember thinking, "That's Ma!" while deliberately looking at the other woman. I passed an office with a secretary in it. But I did not see the boys again.

These were definitely three separate dreams, and I wrote them down in order. I remember only the very end of the first dream, and if I had remembered more of it, I'd likely have been able to make more sense of what I wrote down.

1511 books

February 2, 2020

By 1511, nearly every adult in England and western Europe had read at least one book, and many of these were novels intended for entertainment rather than education. This was a period of high living standards, including in England. But by the 1570s, even as the British colonists were rapidly expanding their settlements in North America and pushing into the Ohio River valley, living standards had declined markedly and people had stopped reading. The Pope had encouraged this, saying that people should not even be reading calendars. He said that kids crossing the water to their first day of elementary school who had learned from a calendar which day to go were doing the wrong thing, and so the other passengers on the ships harassed those kids after learning what they'd been doing.

Phone is full

February 3, 2020


Into my bedroom, someone sprawled out over my desk. People were saying that I looked like I was from southern India because I was so well-tanned. I was in my room, and my roommate, whom I didn't care for, was upset and sarcastically said that it was great that I had let someone (who I don't remember) in, and I said that it was because I couldn't see better.

Power outage

We had a power outage, and I overslept and missed my 1:00 appointment. I think I didn't wake up until 3:30 pm. Though I could not actually blame this on the power outage, because my alarm was on my cellphone, I did so anyway in the hopes that I would be able to avoid the cancellation fee. This was a widespread power outage and I was sure that the doctor's office would know about it.

Phone is full

I was sitting at a lunch counter, taking pictures of a row of about fifteen hand sanitizer bottles I had lain down on the counter in front of me, each with a big, yellow, hand-drawn smiley face on its label. It was dark, so the camera wouldn't focus, and I had to take several pictures. I noticed the camera click sound was lower-pitched than normal.

After a few photos, though, the camera made the "fail" sound and I figured this meant the phone was full, even though I had recently emptied my videos folder. The camera UI showed that I had only a few hundred bytes of memory left. I pressed "D" to stop taking photos and opened my file manager, where I started looking through files.

My videos folder was indeed nearly empty, though it contained one new very short video. The pictures folder was large, but not enough to be the cause of the problem. Then I looked in my "Libraries" folder and saw that it was 8200 GB. I was alone in the lunch room, so I said out loud, "8200 GIGGY-WIGGIES?!!"

Funnily enough, when I arrived at the appointment, they told me that it was in fact scheduled at 3:30pm, so my subconscious memory may have retained something that my conscious memory had forgotten.

Buttigieg I

February 5, 2020


I was following a Bernie Sanders supporter online as they talked about Pete Buttigieg's recent success in the Iowa polls. He was someone I had known about eight years ago but had not talked politics with. But this was on Wikipedia, and the voting was like Wikipedia's RFA process. The person I was following had a name something like 2020 Sanders Worldwide, but hadn't edited much for the past few years, and his most recent two edits were to his own RFA. I don't believe that him winning his RFA would have somehow helped Sanders ... he was running on his own ... but it didn't matter because he was losing badly. Someone else who he had been in contact with and had supported in their own RFA was also losing badly. Both RFA's had vote counts something like 250 support to 225 oppose. That other person was taking it badly, since they had apparently once been renowned, but now had trouble even making their posts appear properly because of formatting issues. I think both candidates had previously been in better standing.

This was a real person, and so I dont forget I am typing his initials: WS.

The cat in the closet

February 6, 2020

I heard moaning noises coming from my closet and I called my parents. They came in and opened the closet to reveal our cat, who was dying. They took care of the cat while i walked to a different room (this was the 90s house).  i worked on my other computer while i was there. after a while i was getting impatient so i pressed down hard on the delete key and watched all my files disappear.  these may have been mostly videos ... the UI was unlike Windows, Android, Linux, or any other OS.  Towards the end of the dream i got back into my own room and was safe from the disease of the cat. i felt no sympathy for the cat but my parents werent upset at that because it had already been their pet, not mine.

Chinese Romance

February 8, 2020

Chinese Romance

I had enrolled in a class learning the Chinese alphabet (hanzi). I was speaking a Romance language but it used the Chinese alphabet and I was illiterate. The other students in the class were Japanese-speaking children who were also illiterate. We all had individual desks. I remember the boy seated to the right of me but I don't remember if he was Japanese by birth or if he merely spoke the language. The coursework seemed difficult, so I paid close attention to the woman teaching the class and didn't let other things distract me. Even so, I think I was learning for fun and that I was fully literate in English. The kids around me may have also been learning for fun, and I suspect they may have all learned Japanese as a second language just the way I had learned my Romance language. Even so, I remember feeling isolated not because I was the only adult, but because I was the only student whose working language was not Japanese.

I'm not sure if my language presented an extra barrier for me on top of the difficulty of the course itself, but I know that I didn't have the same "Well, this is easy!" attitude that I've had in earlier dreams where I was enrolled in classes with young children.

Spots on dishes

Some of the plates had dents that sparkled.

My dreaming has slowed down lately, but I still omitted a few other dreams that were very similar to the ones I decided to post. There was at least one more Wikipedia dream, one more dream taking a test at school with kids, and a few more that were abstract but very similar to dreams I'd had further back.


February 11, 2020

I was in school, in a large building with at least four floors, but I hadn't brought my ID card with me. I spent quite a bit of time talking to a teacher or other faculty member trying to get him to clock me in without the card, and at one point I handed him a different ID card just to see if he would accept it. But it didn't work, and I knew that I wasn't going to get any credit for the schoolwork I did that day. I realized I had to go talk to a different person about what to do.

I spent a lot of time waiting in line behind dozens of other people, only to realize as I finally approached the front of it that it was actually the wrong line. I think someone else pointed that out to me. So I had wasted my time, but I was happy at least that the line I actually needed to get in was much shorter .... only one person ahead of me, and they were finishing up ... and was in the same room. When I got to the right person, I told them I had forgotten my ID and knew that I had been marked absent, and I wanted to make sure that I wasn't going to be marked absent the next day too, since I wasn't sure I would be able to find my card. I knew that being marked absent twice in a row was considered an emergency, on the assumption that it meant I was having medical issues and not simply skipping school. The woman I talked to said that that wouldn't happen, but I wasn't sure.

The rooms in this school were very large and wide open, and besides having four floors it felt like a shopping mall. There was also a theater in the building, and I think the theater was the dominant attraction. At some point, I went outside, and a bird pooped on my right hand. I think this actually happened twice but the second time may have not been a bird. Then I went back inside and walked around for a short time. I was in a room facing the sea, and the water was green like in this dream but this time I felt it was beautiful and didn't worry about pollution or the smell. The waves were so violent that a lot of them were completely covering my window each time they hit the land, even though I was high up within the building. I think I was on the third floor. I took many pictures of the waves with my smartphone. After a while, I decided to go outside again.

After exiting the third floor, there was a very steep staircase which led abruptly to the sea. It looked like it was high tide, and the water was actually covering the bottom of the staircase. There were very violent waves. I had enjoyed taking pictures of the tidal waves crashing into the window of the room I was in, but now I was outside and facing the water up close. I was enjoying this too, and was happy for the opportunity to clean myself up. I saw a wooden crate on an area of exposed sand on which someone had written the name HUNTER BIDEN in black spray-paint. Hunter Biden's popularity had fallen so low that he was as notorious as Epstein.

I was worried that crabs or other sea creatures would hurt my feet, since the waves kept exposing me to water and then quickly washing away, and I figured that the sea creatures might get stuck on dry land and then panic. But it didn't happen. I climbed back up the long staircase, and saw that it led to an outdoor church run by a group called JVC. The walls of the church were largely made of stones, and were incomplete on purpose so that people could see through them from any vantage point.

The JVC Christians were an interdenominational group who changed their Bible as the meanings of the words within it changed. Thus there was only a single valid JVC Bible at any one time, but multiple versions of it throughout history. I was reading either a JVC Bible or a different book such as a hymnal that had been produced by the JVC Christians. Its pages were made of thin, translucent red plastic. There was a small light that acted as a bookmark, showing where I was on the page, and this could be seen even when the Bible was closed. This book may have actually been the schedule or some other guidebook for the theater, but because the theater contained the church on its property, it also functioned as a songbook for the church and perhaps even contained the text of the Bible as well. With the book in my hands, I began listening to children singing Christian music. I remember it being closed-captioned as in Eclipse 3030 but I don't remember what type of screen I was looking at .... I don't think I was inside the theater, but I do remember the church having some sort of presence indoors. It's possible that the screen was actually part of the book itself, since I know it had an electronic light built into it.

The scene where I was taking pictures of the water crashing into my window may have been just a fragment of a different dream, because it is the only part of this dream that I didn't mention in the voice recording. With or without it, this is still the longest dream writeup since Flagpole in late 2016.

Buttigieg II

February 13, 2020


Buttigieg's baby brother had died a painful death within minutes of his birth.

Thirteen years ago, the baby had been born, but immediately after birth expressed signs of a quickly fatal disease involving liquefaction of the inner body starting from the toes and progressing upward and inward. The baby showed no outward signs of the disease, but the doctor knew what was happening even so. As intense pain overcame his stomach and other organs, the baby squirmed as though that might protect him or reduce the pain, but nothing helped. This was a narration, and I remember something like "The baby will feel a mild pain in his eyes" during the period where his stomach was dissolving. The point of that being that even the baby knew what was coming: his eyes would soon be in the same place as his stomach. The liquefaction also progressed inwards, so the baby's heart survived even as everything else turned to a blue sticky fluid in the middle of his body. The disease may have been a virus despite its unusual toe-to-head progression.

After this, Buttigieg's mom had another baby the following year, and this baby survived and was healthy. The family had begun claiming the surviving baby was actually the first one, and that there was no infant death in the family. In the dream, both of the boys had had names, but I don't remember either of them. Despite being Pete's brothers, they had been born only 12 and 13 years ago, and thus the survivor was still a boy.

This dream reminded me of a dream I'd had about sixteen years ago in which a baby died of a similar, but much slower, disease which some people argued was due primarily to parental neglect.

Zonny's Caper

February 14, 2020

I was in a restaurant with my Dad, called Susan's. They offered free food, but only one item per day was free. People who ordered the plates with prices were doing so out of generosity. We had been there recently and had ordered one free plate and two paid ones, figuring that on balance we were getting a good deal but not an unfair one.

The real Susan's is a seafood restaurant, and I think this one is also, but the free plate of the day (Wednesday) was Zonny's Caper, which was a long, thick stick of jerky looking something like a bright red baseball bat. I was tempted to order it, and thus get an entirely free meal, but I spent a lot of time looking at the menu, waffling back and forth over whether I should pay for my meal or not, when I woke up.

The silent radio dream probably occurred around this time.

The Carpenters

February 18, 2020

I was eating in a restaurant, possibly a buffet. There was only one other customer in there with me and I didn't have much food on my plate, but I know that I was able to get more food if I wanted it. I remember seeing the servers taking food from a huge party tray and some of the items down the end didn't look like food. There were two wine glasses on my table, one for me and one for the man I was with. But we weren't seated next to each other.

Later the dream shifted, unless this is a second dream, but the building still felt the same. I was standing up by an office chair, and a young boy came out of an adjacent room to measure something against the chair, and then went back into the room. Two other boys did the same thing, and one of the objects was part of another office chair. I realized they were assembling furniture in the other room. I asked the third boy what he was doing, but I don't remember what his reply was. This dream must have taken a long time because I remember the three boys coming out at different times in the dream, but I've forgotten everything else that happened.


February 19, 2020

In or near Boston, I was at work in an office supply store, but we weren't doing very much. Some of the others around me were misbehaving, and most of them had Polish surnames.


February 20, 2020

I was in a large room, seated at a work table near the back left corner. I think there was a window behind me and a hallway outside of that. I had lots of space to myself, and had sprawled out three video game consoles and all of their accessories in the area to my right.

I connected the three consoles together and played a game on them. I think they may have been a Playstation, an SNES, and something undefined. The game required all three systems to run and I may have been using a PC in addition. The game was heavily customizable and had a level editor. It was a platform game, and I was playing as a very small human character who fights against large enemies and larger bosses, similar to my Soapboy game.

I played for a short while, and then died during a boss fight ... I was crushed by a round down-arrow button that fell off the wall. It was one of the smallest sprites on the screen, but still much larger than me. Then I launched a replay of my loss, but a man named Chanson (a code name) got upset, and he walked leftwards over to me and pushed my hands off of the controllers I was using. He may not have realized I was only watching a replay until noticing that the game was still playing without me. I think I used the same controller to start the replay as I had used to play the game.

This dream was indoors, but I remember being near the ocean. There were some children on the other side of the room, and that may have been what triggered the other man to become angry at me: I remember bragging to them, even though I had suffered a humiliating defeat, and trying to draw their attention towards me.

I avoid comparing the game in this dream to the famous I Wanna Be The Guy because the art style of this game was based on three-dimensional CGI — distinctly different from IWBTG, and very similar to my Soapboy game. Also, this game was not particularly difficult. On the other hand, this game apparently had traps such as the falling button, which IWBTG was famous for, and which Soapboy did not have.

Gas mask dystopia

February 20, 2020

Time travel

This dream took place aboard a bus. It involved time travel. Near the beginning of the dream, there were many people outside wearing gas masks, and it was clear that we were living in a dystopia. The gas masks were due to pollution, not a war.

Russia had been involved in the founding of America, and one Russian man in particular was known as the founder of America. Time travelers had removed him, and I think that their doing so may have caused America to turn into the gas-mask dystopia world. But time travel continued, and people had volunteered to try to set things right again. There was also a man somewhere distant whose voice was broadcast into the bus as he explained to us what was happening; I thought of him as a narrator.

Through the efforts of the time travelers, the Russian founder of America was restored to his place in our timeline, and he then announced that he would show up in the present day. By this time, everything outside was looking good. This had happened step by step, as time travelers had needed to change things one by one in order to restore America to its ideal state; merely bringing the founder back to the timeline was not sufficient. I think time travelers were fighting other time travelers, but that the ones active now were the good ones, the ones who wanted to fix America.

Soon the founder showed up on the bus with us. All I remember of his name was that it was long and started with V. Talking to an American official seated near him, he may have called himself "the returnity of the very original founder of the United States", but perhaps he just said "returnee". This other person may have had some connection to Russia as well, and it's possible that he too had been restored only by the efforts of the time travelers. The official then asked the founder if there would be a long parade to celebrate the founder's return to life, but the founder said (to my surprise) that he would not hold such a parade. People were celebrating by buying balloons but the founder seemed uninterested in attracting much positive attention.

Someone asked the man if he spoke English, and the man said, in English, "No, we don't speak English. We don't peek at the tourists. Peru is where you get English from?" The other person then just said, "No, England" as if the Russian man's response had been entirely normal.

Then a man boarded our bus wearing a gas mask. Nobody said anything. I looked outside to my left and saw the green lively scene around me getting grayer, colder, and dustier. The wind began to howl. I said out loud, "It's coming" ... I was expecting an explanation from our outside helper for what had happened — what had caused America to suddenly revert to the gas-mask dystopia just as everything good seemed to be coming together. I think my parents were just to the left of me. I waited a few seconds and said "It's coming" again. But no explanation ever came.

Prestige of Holes

February 20, 2020

Seven women were seated on raised platforms on both sides of a walkway that seemed to be a grate. It wound around curving slightly to the right. This was indoors in a very large building, but I think it was open to the outside further down the walkway and that water would fall through the holes in the grate and run throughout the whole connected area. I don't remember any lights on, and the enclosed area may have been illuminated only by what came through from the outdoor segment. But now, the word "eta" (lowercase, in cursive) flashed in yellow from somewhere beneath the grate, and a man started talking about how the seven women must be Basque ETA terrorists.

A different man showed up to defend the women, focusing on the woman seated the most forward along the curving path; she was seated along the outer track facing inward, slightly beyond where the phrase had flashed. But then the man started saying instead that he had forgiven her, and that her crimes were understandable, and then he started talking jokingly about rape, saying "If you have the prestige of holes", by which he meant the glorious ability to be someone's rape victim. I think that in this dream ETA had committed some rapes and the woman was being blamed for them simply because she was in the ETA. The woman said little or nothing in response, but a third man appeared and started joining the rape discussion, implicitly admitting to being a rapist himself, and saying something such as "Like a tree snake we [rapists] have sensitive ears" although I don't remember the details. Part of their fun may have been that because they had accused the woman of complicity in a series of earlier rapes, she was a rapist too and had no right to be offended at their rape jokes. The two men then focused on staring at the woman while continuing to make jokes about rape.

The outermost woman bore some resemblance to a girl I had attended an art class with, who was once harassed by the teacher. The teacher made a slightly offensive joke, but she was very sensitive and took it much worse than the teacher had expected. The man who started the rape jokes resembled that teacher. I was completely passive in this dream, and I may have even been watching through a window rather than being present in the winding walkway area.

The phrase "prestige of holes" gave me deja vu, but I couldnt find a single hit on Google, so either it is a false deja vu or I am remembering it from another dream of which I can no longer remember the rest.

In a vision before I fell asleep, I had been talking to a young boy who said to me "He needs to eat" or perhaps "He wanted to eat". I realized he was talking about a younger boy seated in a high chair. Then the first boy kept talking about the younger boy, saying that he didn't say or do much, and what it was like for him "being an end". The word "end" meant someone who was lazy or lethargic, whether by choice or by disability. There may have been more visions like this before I had any true dreams, and perhaps this is where that phrase appeared.

Impossible forest

February 22, 2020

I was upstairs in a large room that was much wider than it was deep. The furniture was all oriented the long way to fit better. There was a lot of dust. I was on a computer, and there was some thin object between me and the keyboard, but it didn't bother me and I didn't try to move it out of the way. I had an elaborate CD portfolio, red and full of hard objects, which therefore took up a lot more space than it needed to. It was empty. There was another similar boxy object on the floor nearby, but I don't remember what it was.

I was reading something online that contained video clips. One of them mentioned amazing places, one of which was an "Impossible Forest" which started out with purple trees and showed people walking around. It was apparently a recreational park. Further left, as the camera panned, the trees started to look as though they were primitive CGI, with smooth color gradients but no visible leaves. This made me think of a similar area just to the west of Portland Maine, perhaps in Gorham. I decided to look up "Portland Maine Impossible Forest" on my computer, but I couldn't type the letters. I tried nearly a dozen times, my typing only getting worse each time, but I really didn't mind. One of the times I even managed to get a running-man emoji in my query string.

I enjoyed this very mundane dream not because of what happened, but because of the room and the things around me.


February 24, 2020


I paid $19.99 for an originally $52 game called Avatar. It was a top-down role-playing game but had sold poorly and its price had been reduced. There were many quests, perhaps more than a hundred, and the enemies' HP stayed the same throughout the game, so I knew that I could choose to start on one of the later quests.

There was a school named Polymelon with a watermelon-like character growing in the garden out front, reminiscent of the Cocomelon nursery rhymes channel on YouTube. This was at about the 90th quest, and I attempted to either enter Polymelon or one right nearby it. At first, I went to a character and tried to start that quest, but she said I needed some particular item first, which was in a quest that I was able to enter a bit further down and to the left on the map. On that quest, there were no necessary items to enter and so I was able to start the game on what was ordinarily the 80th or so quest.

This quest was in fact a trivia contest, and so there was little if any combat, although I remember checking to make sure I was combat-ready even so.

The game had received bad reviews. One player said of the game, "You can lick the Earth", because the game featured the male protagonist interacting with female characters twice his height by walking up very close to their crotch and then executing a suggestive movement. These women may have been immobile earth elementals. As I was playing, the paper manual suddenly fell apart; it was an 8x11 magazine and all of a sudden the first half of it was on the floor. I had been in fact playing the video game from inside the paper manual, as the screen was embedded in the magazine. (Books in my recent dreams often seem to be electronic with embedded video screens.)

The video game in this dream combined elements of Cthulhu Saves the World (the school and the general look of the top-down environment), SMBX (the open access quest system and the extreme length of the game), and Neverwinter Nights 2 (women twice as tall as men, conversations taking place while standing very close up, and the name Polymelon, which probably came from a character named Polly that I used in a module that I wrote using the NWN2 toolset). The game had nothing to do with either of the two movies called Avatar, or with any other media by that name that I'm aware of.

Planetarium Wallpaper

February 24, 2020


I dreamt that Spanish had an irregular verb mat "I believed, I thought (that)", and that the other forms of this verb were also irregular, but that regularization was slowly winning out in the modern language. The regular form was passive, so the 1st person was either me moyó or me moyé.


My phone updated to a newer version of the UI, which made the sharp text blurry and changed my background to white even though the text was also white. As soon as it was done, the phone asked me to choose from a dozen or so options about why I didn't like it, with I think just one option being that I was actually satisfied. These all had icons with colorful faces on them, resembling real human faces rather than emojis. The text was blurry because my phone's resolution was smaller than that which Google was now recommending as the minimum resolution, and the background was white because it had wiped the background I was using before and not had anything to replace it with. I wanted a space background, even though I had not used one like that before, and started browsing for backgrounds of planets and stars.

I think I woke up and immediately fell asleep again, so the next scene may have been part of a different dream. I had a class to get to, and I think it was three hours long, beginning at either 9:30pm or 12:30pm. I still had an hour or so left to wait, and a woman was with me in the room. I was still having problems with my phone and I had my phone's manual with me, which to my surprise turned out to be around a thousand 8x11 pages long, organized in a "wide" filing folder with tabs for each letter of the alphabet. Yet I could not find, even in that enormous document, the thing I wanted to know, and I could see that in the alphabetized index that it was mentioned three times but that none of those three mentions were about the problem I wanted to solve. I looked at the table of contents and didn't find any hope there either.


Possibly within this dream, or possibly after waking up and falling asleep yet again, I dreamt I was talking to my father on the phone, and he told me about two political rallies, one I don't remember and one for "McCain". I asked him if he meant Meghan McCain or John McCain, and he thought the question was ridiculous because John McCain had died six months earlier. I was embarrassed because I knew that but thought that a rally for Meghan McCain was equally improbable, and that people might want to rally in rememberance of the senator.

One last shift

February 26, 2020

I had agreed to work a five-hour evening shift at Staples in New Hampshire, the job I had worked at thirteen years ago. I got a message on my phone reminding me that I was due into work soon. I felt I owed them for some reason, but I regretted signing up, and was contemplating skipping out, on the rationale that nobody looking at my resume in the future would call up a store I hadn't worked at for thirteen years. Still, I was worried that with modern technology they would find a way to report me to a shared database that other potential employers could access.

I stayed home even so. Lying in bed, with my floor fan facing away from me, I relaxed and thought about other things. Loggers were cutting down trees all around me, and my bedroom may have had no ceiling. I knew as I lay in bed that the loggers were all around me, and soon a tree branch fell and smacked into me, but I wasn't hurt much because I had the bedsheets to cushion the blow. I felt that I deserved it for skipping work, but resolved to stay in bed even after taking a hit. Dust and leaves spilled all around me, and I got up to turn the fan towards me, at the foot of the bed, so that it would blow the leaf litter off the bed and allow me to keep lying down to relax.

My bed and bedroom in this dream were similar to what I had had when I'd been working at Staples, and that was in a heavily forested area.

Report cards

February 28, 2020

Report cards

On the last day of school, I was standing near the front of line in a large room that was longer horizontally than it was in the direction I was facing. I had not taken any history classes that semester, so I was worried I would fail. At a longer line to the right of me, someone said that the report cards were being handed out, and that our parents had to sign them. We were all adults, however.

Floor fan

My floor fan was not rotating, or had some other problem. I tried to clean it, hoping the problem was just dust, but the rotator piece fell off as I was cleaning it.

The floor fan dream occurred one night after the report card dream, but both were so short that I decided to combine them.

PC Baby

March 3, 2020


I was in my apartment, which looked just like my real one. I had at least two and possibly four desktop PC's, and was standing up beside the table where one of them was hooked up. A very small boy .... who I thought of as a baby .... nevertheless managed to physically pull my PC off the desk, and also pull something that it was sitting on top of. It may have been a monitor but it seemed like a box shaped object. I said, "No! You can't do that!" and ran towards him. But I didn't seem to mind that much, and I either grabbed another PC or put the one he had damaged on top of my fridge.

Tub girl

A dark-haired woman a few inches shorter than me was standing outside the bathroom door in a large apartment building similar to the "Bayside" of several other dreams. (Thus, it was unlike the apartment from the PC dream.) She had her towels and clothes ready, and I didn't. I think, as in the Garcia dream, I had arrived at the bathroom slightly ahead of her, but because I didn't have my clothes and towels with me, I couldn't reasonably claim to have beaten her there. Even so, she decided to allow me to take a shower first, and said that she didn't mind waiting. I think I went back to my room to get my clothes and proper towels.

I'm not sure what happened next, because I wasn't there, but I noticed when I started to take a shower that what I thought looked like period blood was all over the tub. It was slightly tinted pink, and seemed to appear out of nowhere when the shower water hit the sides of the tub. Some brown elements were present as well. I believed that the woman had done this to me as revenge for my getting into the shower ahead of her, but didn't really understand how. I nevertheless finished my shower, carefully avoiding the streams of red liquid that were mixing with the water. Then, when I was done, I tiptoed out and grabbed my clothes very carefully, putting on my underpants, shirt, and pants trying to touch the floor as little as possible.

Polar bear

March 4, 2020

I was outside in Alaska. It was warm and there was no snow on the ground, so it may have been summer. But even so, a polar bear was on the street running towards me, and I took shelter in a bar. I wasn't interested in beer, so I looked for something to eat. The bar was very large, with about a hundred spacious tables of various types — some were tables, some were booths, and some of the chairs were higher than others. There were only a few other people in the bar with me, but I let the waitress choose for me where I would sit.

The tiny menu on the counter seemed neglected, and one item was actually covered up by some sort of sticky label. That item was a Vietnamese plate. Instead, I ordered an enchilada, which might have been item #12.

This bar bears a slight resemblance to a Vietnamese restaurant that I've been to a few times, but the location was different.

This dream reminded me of a dream about being near the Alaska/Canada border that I think I remember writing up, but I seem to never have posted it.

Buttigieg III

March 5, 2020

Super Tuesday II

Bernie Sanders won the most delegates on March 10, sometimes called Super Tuesday II. But he was still behind Joe Biden in the overall delegate count, and the only two situations considered probable final outcomes were a Biden victory and a brokered convention, which was called a tie in the dream.


The Democratic party had retroactively changed the way they counted votes to overcount urban areas and undercount rural ones, and this caused Bernie Sanders to lose his own home state of Vermont to Pete Buttigieg, with Buttigieg taking 22 delegates to Sanders' 11.


I had mistakenly bought Merlot wine instead of white wine, but noticed as I placed it in my room that I had in fact bought white wine earlier and forgotten about it. Thus I knew I had far more wine than I could drink in one sitting and was worried about my self-control.

I remember playing with bops and thinking about weather in places like Kalispell, and saying how I had patterned my childhood towns after these places. The numbers 84 and 86 came up, and there was also a 48. It got me thinking about how even though I love cold weather, I also love the sun, and sometimes a hot sunny day can make me feel good as long as I have a way to keep cool.


March 6, 2020

Apple released a laptop with a name like "iMacuter" that was always on, and was impossible to reboot. It reminded me of the Blackberry mobile phones.

Rabbit out of water

March 7, 2020


I had an elaborate dream-in-dream involving a hospital and a rabbit trying to get through my car windshield, but when I spoke into the voice recorder, only the very first part of what I said came through. I think the rabbit and hospital scene were both part of the inner dream, and that when I woke up, the outer dream involved me writing down the rabbit dream and trying to translate it into Poswa.


A dream involving nursery rhymes, "masculine/feminine", and something called Chine-sol or Shine-sol.

Out of water

"We're out of water!" I said, sitting next to a woman who was taller than me. She did good things for me, and I liked her, but a larger, stronger man also liked her, and he was kind of a bully. I don't think the woman shared her water or food with me.

Cave walk

In a cave I was walking in front of a tall man and behind a tall woman. The man had dark hair and a beard, and the woman was blonde. The man was telling me what to do, even down to when to move my arms, and I enjoyed the obedience. I had an erection but I realized I really just needed to pee, and when I did, I still had the same feeling but had gone limp. This scene may or may not have been part of the "out of water" dream.

Pink shirt

I was wearing a pink shirt and I think blue pants, and someone had told me to dress that way. The pink was somewhat tinted towards orange.

obedience cave pee urine erection cocomelon hospital rabbit blushing

These dreams are my first attempt at marking out dreams as private and therefore hidden from a normal search. These are hidden both because they're embarrassing and because all five of them are very short. This dream writeup will only appear on pages which are outside the search function.

At least the rabbit dream would have been more interesting if my voice recorded had worked, and the Chine-sol dream would probably have been more interesting if I had said more than four words into the recorder.

Coffee pills

March 8, 2020

Riding in van

I was riding in a van with the people from this dream, and I was in the middle row on the leftmost seat. We had picked up one new person that was riding home with us and hadn't been on the trip up; his name was either Matt or Zach. (I've made associations between these two names twice in the past, explaining how I could get them confused in a dream.) But the van didn't have enough seats for all nine of us now, and I knew someone would need to get home a different way. I didn't think they would choose me, but I decided to slide over to the right edge of the second row, which would trap me in my seat as soon as other people got in. (There apparently was no door on that side; I think this might be a memory of a van that had a problematic door on one side.) The two men that were going to sit with me on that row were much bigger than me and so it would be inconvenient for me to get up, and I felt that that would prevent me from being picked as the one not to ride home. Even so, I think the other person was going to ride home in someone else's car.

Later in this dream, I am in the front seat of the van, and music is playing. The van is still parked, but the power is on. I think the driver may have been in a restaurant. One of the other passengers had turned the music up to 119% of its normal speed, which also affected the tempo. I liked it, and the music playing had a deep-voiced male singer who still sounded nice at the higher pitch, but I wanted to try to get it to play fast without affecting the pitch. Even though the UI had separate controls for pitch and tempo, I wasn't able to get them to behave independently; raising the tempo always raised the pitch and vice versa. Yet, the numbers didn't seem to reflect this; at one point setting them back to normal resulted in a number 0 for one slider and something like -19% for another.

Coffee pills

I remember swallowing almost an entire bottle of caffeine pills, realizing that it would be an enormous overdose, and spitting most of them out. I started to shake, but I think I was just anticipating the caffeine and had not actually started to feel it yet.

Corona I

March 11, 2020


I was selling furniture, including the frame of my bed.

Later in this dream, I was skateboarding around town with Bernie Sanders, my high school best friend, a grade-school boy, and a younger boy. I think Bernie left the group and the rest of us traveled at considerable distance from each other even though we were headed to the same place. We weren't racing each other, but I wasn't as comfortable with the skateboard as the others were, and I think I ended up being the last one to arrive, with the youngest boy still coming in ahead of me. I may have taken a different route from the others because I think the streets formed a block and the two paths were about the same total distance. The final destination looked like the house I had lived in during the 1990s, but we never went inside.


I was stuck in flight over a deep forest. I was hovering, without even using my arms, and moving rapidly, but I couldn't maneuver myself downward. On the ground there was lots of furniture, some with deep scratches in it, but I thought it was all in good condition. I thought I could use some of it, but I wasn't able to get down. I figured that superheros might fly that way too and realized how awkward it was.


A man named Kramer got twenty years in prison for harassment and was sentenced in 1997 or 1999. He had put on a mask and made fun of someone in Washington state. I thought it was about something else at first.


I was in the middle seat of the front row in a classroom like my old physics classroom from college. A female student ("Paris") entered the room and announced that she had the coronavirus. One other student in the class also had the virus and was still attending class even so, so this did not provoke any expression of alarm. But then the girl sat down just to the right of me, and I was worried that I would catch the virus almost immediately just from being near her. I wanted to get up and move to a different seat but worried it would be impolite. But she said that moving to a different seat was just what she expected me to do, so I did.

The girl named Paris here is so named because in the dream, she had the same name as a coworker who had once lived in Paris, France. Only when I woke up did I realize I had confused that girl with one who looked similar (both were black) but had remained in Portland for as long as I knew of her.

As with many similar writeups, I can't clearly define the seams between each dream, and so I don't know if there are five dreams here, four, or three. The Airplane and Kramer dreams were part of the same clip on my voice recorder, but that doesn't by itself mean that they were part of a single dream. The stranded first sentence of the Skateboard dream may have also been part of a separate dream that was much longer, but which I only remember one scene from.


March 12, 2020

I was eating tacos without beans in a food court in a mall, though it was very dark and quiet, and the restaurants may have been closed at the time. I saw a new store opening up, formed by the merger of RadioShack with an energy company. I think the name began with RadioShack ENERGY and that there was at least one other word.

I took a photo of the store, but a man in the same open area with me got upset, and said I had no right to take the photo, because it wasn't covered under the Freedom of Panorama. I wanted to mention that I was a fan of RadioShack and had worked there in the past, but I'm not sure if I even said anything at all.


March 13, 2020


I was watching a Chinese wedding, perhaps on a boat. I was seated behind a row of people, at least a dozen, and was somewhat towards the left. Some of the people had very light blonde hair, closely cropped, and some of them had unusual head shapes, much taller and thinner than normal. But about half of them appeared normal. At some point I was carrying two heavy grocery bags, but this may have been a fragment of a separate dream.

Pee Police

I needed to go to the bathroom. I was in a large building, and I saw a men's and women's room right next to each other, but either the men's room was occupied or I had some other reason for not going there. As in many other similar dreams, I walked down the hallway for a distance and found another bathroom, much larger and more elaborate than the others, on the opposite wall from the first two bathrooms. This bathroom was unisex, but on the far wall was a video game in which I had to pee into a recessed target in order to move the player character. Since only a man could play this game, I decided that the bathroom was a men's room after all. The game had something to do with police, and it at first seemed like it cost money to play, but I realized that I was paying with pee and would stay in the game until I ran dry.

There was hand sanitizer on a table in the bathroom. I wrote one other word for this dream that may have been "giveaway", but I don't remember what I meant by it.

pee urine piss piddle toilet bathroom

Ocean spray

March 14, 2020

I was on a very tall staircase by the ocean, which was spraying all over me. I dropped my backpack into a small hole in a wide structure that was blocking the water, and I knew that I could retrieve my backpack at a later time. My phone was in there, and that is why I didn't want it to get wet.

Burger King

March 15, 2020

I was eating in Burger King with some teenage girls (at least four) sitting in booths across from me. They were about thirteen years old but were tall and fully grown. I had gone upstairs for a minute and when I got back I noticed one of the girls had eaten some of my footlong double hamburger sub. She claimed it was hers. I won the argument though, by telling her that she didn't eat pickles, and therefore the sub with pickles on it could not possibly have been hers.

Clay boys

March 17, 2020

My alarm woke me up. I realized I had several choices of how the alarm would sound, and that I could even customize the first beep, but from what I could tell the rest of the alarm was not customizable. I was in a strange house at least three stories tall and I think I had been sleeping on the second or third floor. Many other people lived there and I was in fact just visiting. I had to explain who I was to one other person who I met. I was somehow related to a boy and girl whose names I couldn't remember in the dream. (The Mitchell family.) But neither they nor their parents ever appeared in the dream. I remember the spacious front lawn, but I don't remember if I actually went outside or if I just spent a lot of time looking at it.

At least three separate times during this dream, a small child (about five years old) ran towards me at top speed, collided with my body, and then fell unconscious on the floor in front of me. I think all three were boys. All three had bodies that became very deformed as they hit the ground, as though they were not made of bone but rather something more flexible. At least one of the boys fell down and became taller than me as his body spread out, with his very long, thin legs making up most of his height. I asked what was happening, and a man seated at a table grasped his neck and told me that the boys were made of clay, and as he talked he showed that his own neck, which was unusually broad and almost covered his shoulders, was also made of clay.

Sick dreams

March 20, 2020

Two libraries

With about ten other people a man assigned us some work to do. It had elements of both work and school, but I think it was school. We were in a library with many rooms and very tall bookcases. We were all paired up except for me, and I realized that there were an odd number of us. The teacher, an elderly man, gave me an assignment similar to the others' but I think I may have been expected to do only half as much. After he gave me the assignment, I walked up to the podium and stood just to the left of him. I asked him to tell me the print command, and he said that it was a sequence of two commands, the second of which involved pressing the print button on our handheld RF guns. These were like old-style Telxons from my previous jobs, not touchscreens. He then gave us all a pull list, meaning we had to find various books in the library. But my list had only a few items on it, and I said something like "So it's not a traditional pull list" and set to work with the confidence that I would do okay despite being unpaired.

Even so, I started out behind the others. A couple seated on a table near the corner of one room had originally been ahead, but they had got to talking, and even though they were talking about academic subjects relevant to what we were supposed to be doing, they were not doing the actual task at hand, and the girl said, "What are we going to do?" I realized they had fallen behind so much that they would not be able to complete the assignment on time.

I don't remember what happened immediately next. Later in the dream, I was alone with the teacher, and we were looking at three very small old books: two Bibles and one other religious book. One of the books was written around the 1800s and was in fact a popup book of sorts with flowers sticking up out of the pages, but most of the pages were missing and as he was handling it the central piece fell out. I told him that that was okay and that it had probably fallen apart before and been glued back together. The other two were traditional books that were even older, with one being from around the 1500s. Somewhere in the building was a fourth book, an even older one, written in the 11th century. This was the original King James Bible. This was in a different library, or perhaps a bookstore, because when we went in there a person referred to my teacher as "the librarian", as if their own independent area of the building was not a library as well.


I was playing a video game. My character interacted with the others by stealing their money and nothing else. I was using a physical controller where I aimed like a cue stick, meaning that moving my hands in one direction moved my character in the opposite direction. There were no buttons to push; all I did was move around rapidly. None of the characters reacted to my stealing from them. My character was immaterial, meaning I could occupy the same space as other characters. All of the characters were human; there were kids and adults, with the kids all the same size: about a foot shorter than the adults, or at least with their heads at about chest height (the art style wasn't realistically proportioned). The men and women may have been the same height as each other, and there wasn't enough detail to see if they had individually unique facial features. I believe other people were playing the game with me, but the people I was stealing from were NPC's, not the other players. Thus I felt no guilt and didn't expect any of the other players to come after me even if they were able to. The scene was outdoors but we were at the front of a concrete structure with pillars, something like a parking garage. The ground was concrete towards the walls of the structure but I think sand further out.

I moved very quickly through the scene, stealing money from all of the characters on the screen while they were unable to harm me. I had poor motor control, but made up for it by moving very quickly. Some kids in the sandy area of the scene stood in a line, however, and expressed the opposite power: just as I could take money from them by touching, they could hand money to each other by touching, without losing their own. They had solid bodies and walked around each other rather than through each other, but each time they touched, their individual money on hand would rise to the sum of what both parties had had before the encounter. I waited for these kids to generate a lot of money so I could then rush them and steal it all, but they seemed to be making money very slowly, as if they were obeying an NPC random walk function.

Egg toilet

I needed to pee. I was in a large building. A men's bathroom opened up, and me and another man went in. For privacy, though, I continued on to a second room within that bathroom, which had a metal barrel instead of a normal toilet. In the barrel was a solid yellow ball of a substance that looked like a giant egg yolk, and I peed on that and watched the substance absorb my urine and turn it solid. The rest of the barrel was filled with a clear liquid, as though the target absorbed the urine and let out only water. I realized I was doing the right thing. Even so, as I peed, some of the water spilled out, and the barrel seemed to be flexible enough to entirely flip over, but it didn't turn over completely, and I just stepped around the puddle forming on the floor as I continued peeing on the round yellow target.

pee piss urine piddle toilet RPG money controller

I've been very sick this past week and did not write down any dreams. I had some very brief, highly abstract dreams from which I remember images and nothing else. The three I've written down here were all in the same night, which made me think I was getting better, but it's still too early to be sure.

Corona II

March 21, 2020

In a bank ... one of the few whose lobby was still open ... I was waiting in line to get $100 bank notes. I remembered thinking that the word banknote was etymologically "bank one", but that the word for one had been first lenited to hoe (with effectively silent /h/), then fortified to hote, and then replaced with note. A voice somewhere, perhaps one I merely remembered, said "Are you sitting on a project with four etymologies?" It may have been a service that dug up obscure etymologies of words.


March 25, 2020


My mother was driving my dad and I to a restaurant near a lake. She was driving my car. She drove right over the lake, at first hugging a strip just a foot wide (used by boats), and then driving right over open water. I made sounds like "mmmm" as I expected we would immediately sink. She drove all the way across the lake and then shifted into reverse and brought us back to shore. Then she drove around the lake, still driving over open water, and parked us on a patch of low ground about one third of the way around counter-clockwise. I think it may have been near a dumpster.

We decided somehow that that parking spot was still not good enough, but Dad and I had to go to the bathroom, so we walked inside while my mother stayed in the car and looked for yet another spot. Inside the bathroom, there were vastly more men than urinals, so my Dad just left and sat down on a bench outside. (This was in a mall, not just a single restaurant.) All the urinals were used up, so I dropped my pants and started peeing in one of the sinks. Only a few seconds later did I realize I wasn't supposed to do that, so I carried myself with my pants still down across the bathroom and into a secluded corner, where I began peeing into another sink. Only when I was done did I realize that by this time a few urinals in the secluded corner area had opened up.

I left the bathroom without washing my hands, figuring it was unnecessary. I had a small bottle of hand sanitizer in my pocket but I didn't open it. I pulled my keys out of my pocket ... I may have actually had them in hand during much of the time I was in the bathroom ... and went to meet my Dad on the park bench. He said "Prune. ...... Prune." because he wanted my car key, even though he already had his own. My car was called the Prune for some reason.

Moving out

I had a short, mundane dream in which I was moving out of my apartment, which was a dorm-room style setup with two of each piece of furniture. My other roommate had already moved out, possibly long before, because I remember having used some of his set of furniture.

I had been told to clean everything out, and I had been lazy in doing so, so when I went through for one final check I found I had left many small things lying around, such as shiny sticker stars, four small trash barrels, a pair each of shorts and pants, and other things I can't remember. I stuffed most of them into my backpack and carried as much of the rest as I could, but I left a few tiny things still in the room because I couldn't carry it all.

On the way home, I took a right into a park because I saw a witches' craft fair was going on. I asked if my mother was there, but the women at the front misheard me and may have asked a mocking question as if I was lost and looking for my mom to bring me someplace safe. But I asked a second time and got a serious answer: they didn't know, because the person who had been tasked with writing the list of who was in attendance had not been able to make it. I walked through the procession, and noticed most of the crafters were on one side, and that my mother was not there after all. I was unsurprised, as it didn't seem to be the type of crafts she was interested in, and I realized that there were probably two craft fairs each year in this town rather than just one.

I haven't driven for three years, but I still get occasional dreams about my car. Why I dropped my pants to pee is probably that when I'm home I'm nearly always in pajamas or pajama shorts, neither of which has a zipper, so this is the method I'm used to when I'm in private. car key pee piss piddle urine bathroom sanitizer


March 27, 2020


The Cocomelon family had the surname Bascianetta. They adopted the girl, whose birth name was Emily Lisk, and she came to call herself Emily Bascianetta.


I had damaged my tub so badly that there were holes in it with the floor exposed, and everything else in it was a mess.

Three toilets and a potty

March 28, 2020


I was in a very large bathroom with at least three toilets, two sinks, a bed with a tub underneath it, and a plastic potty that was connected by a very long plastic pipe to either one of the toilets or some other tank filled with water. I peed in the potty and then tried to flush it, but somehow it didn't work. The dream continued on like this for quite some time as I kept trying to get the potty to work. At one point I knocked it over ... it seemingly had pieces attached to the back of it that made it stand up several feet tall even though the seat was small. Later, towards the end of the dream, I wanted to wash my hands, but there were too many people standing in front of the sink I wanted to use. There was another sink, but that one didn't have the kind of bar soap that I use. All of these people were hurrying in and out, so I knew that I would have my turn at the sink soon, but I never got to it in the dream.

Two days away

I was arguing with my dad about whether he would bring me back to my apartment after just two days visiting them. I expected he would not do that, and even though we were arguing and both angry at each other, he repeatedly insisted that he would be willing to do that.

pee urine potty

New job

March 29, 2020


My dad had set me up to work at a new job, just within Portland city limits, manufacturing thermometers. I didn't want the job, and I was with another man who was talking to me about the job, but it took me a while to admit that the reason I didn't want the job was because it would raise the cost of my rent and that the high rent would stay that way even if I lost the job, which I figured was inevitable. The salary at the job was far higher than what I had ever made before, I think perhaps $40 an hour, though in the dream I might have heard $40000 and interpreted it as $40 an hour instead of $20. The man told me that I would start out slow, with only about 35 hours a week, and then increase to full time hours later on.

We were in a large building unrelated to the thermometer factory. As I tired of the conversation, I left the man and followed a young boy up a flight of stairs as he walked towards his 1st grade classroom. I felt for some reason that he had escaped from a different class, but he was walking normally and not trying to hide himself.

As I was still following the boy, I noticed another boy, and that a crowd of people had gathered behind me. One of them asked me what the Canticles of Zechariah were, and I said that it was something in the Bible. This seemingly pertained to a school project, perhaps the one the boy was working on. Then I found the same man from earlier in the dream up on the higher floor, and I explained why I had left. We went back down together, but I don't remember any further events in the dream.


March 31, 2020

I was working at an office supply store, and Heather was my boss. The store had closed at 9pm, but it was 2:30 am and we were still all at work. There was a hole punch machine that someone was using to make cardboard letters and numbers, and this tool had replaced some other tool that had been more ideal. I was very impressed.

Another woman, perhaps named Sarah, had brown or dark hair. She was with us but not getting full credit because she had attempted to skip out on some of the extra work. I think she got credit for one unit of work and the rest of us got two. The building was large and in some ways resembled the two libraries dream.

Early April scrap dreams

April 1, 2020


The local weatherman died. The news did a tribute almost ten minutes long, with jokes and playing around with machineguns?? through to rush,?? and only at the end of the report did he get cold and somber.


In an early-founded Wyoming town, near Cheyenne and Laramie, the climate was even warmer than Lingle. I was playing with bops, and somebody said "Not exactly cold for Wyoming, is it?" Then I started to think about Weatherbase.


My parents didn't want to let me into my apartment, but I had the keys, and an ID.


In a similar dream, my dad was fighting with me in my bedroom and at one point he pushed something into a wound on my forehead and laughed as he said that I was being infected. But I wasn't worried.


At a beach I saw many people, and some structure near me was "castle-shaped" (meaning alternately high and low with square blocks).

These dreams lasted through April 6, which means the date for the next dream might be wrong.


April 6, 2020

In Dublin, Ireland, there was a company named Glee that manufactured athletic shorts, mostly for women. They were mass-produced and similar in design to Soffe cheer shorts. The logo was similar to the zodiac symbol for Cancer, but with four symbols instead of two. I thought at first that they were headquartered in Northern Ireland for tax haven purposes, but it was actually in the Republic of Ireland. The founder of the company, however, had come from Kuwait, and there was some connection with India as well, so the people who ran the company had chosen Ireland on purpose.

A man with me talked about how rare it would be to find a company like that in the United States. I remember looking and finding that there were no others like them in Ireland either.

Rapid City

April 12, 2020

I was in a very tall apartment building in South Dakota, near the center of the state. Several other people were in there with me. Two of the towers within this building had the same names as two of the six dorms at the school I used to attend, and it's possible that they were separate buildings here, but if so, it was possible to easily walk between them without going outside.

Somehow I got sidetracked and ended up going my own way. This was on a high floor. I went through a door that the other people with me did not, and I continued walking further away from them as I walked through many halls and staircases with no words. I ended up even higher than before. I met a girl, and said to her "This is the motto of Rapid City". I put two large pieces of fabric together and said that it was a balloon, and that with my balloon to protect me, I was going to dive down to the surface. I may have expected to end up in Rapid City because I was up so high.

Scrap dreams

mid-April 2020


I discovered that going to the Wikipedia page u:Soap would load the userpage of Soap, but that it would be editable by all, and therefore that even fully-protected userpages could be edited.


I had some dream about the sound /s/.

Banned from IRC

I was unexpectedly banned from IRC, I think the "right" channel.

Scrap dreams

April 13, 2020


This was a two-layered dream. I was outside a restaurant called Amigos in Massachusetts, where my best friend had worked two years ago. He wanted his old job back. I told him that I had worked just a couple doors down from Amigos two years ago. It may have been a convenience store. They had closed down. "I was right". After we walked for a while, he said "Location 2!" Amigos had another location. He must have worked at the second one. After a while, someone else showed up and started speaking Portuguese, which I thought was Greek at first. I wasn't happy because I couldn't understand it.

I woke up to go to the bathroom, and then wrote down the dream. It was 5 am, and I realized I was playing Agadoo at full volume. I then woke up for real.


In a garage, a rising platform crushed me. A robot lifted it up, ..... it was also a vehicle, and was to the right of a pillar, so at first I hid behind the pillar and could see the robot vehicle heading towards the center. I was also moving towards the center. This was all uphill. The floor was rising and I couldn't get out of the way.

Then I woke up and had another dream about writing this dream down. Thus this may have been a two-layered dream as well, or perhaps a short dream after a longer one.


April 25, 2020


"G.T." (the initials of someone I used to work with at Staples) assaulted a man in Walgreens and I heard the scream of that man. They were co workers and were both behind the counter. GT was listed as 5'6" and 110 lb on some report. I had been debating whether to call the cops, and wanted someone who was with me to do it instead. B ut i think neither of us did because we wanted the other man to do it. The man did not actually have the same name as G.T., but resembled him.


laundry, brought laundry with me in a basket. i got in when at least 3/5 machines were in use and decided to wait. i realized i had not enough coins and when a person told me to go to a store to get more i said they would likley have run out because of the other people also using laundromats.

later, i dreamt i had two apartments, one nicer than the other even though iut was smaller. i used mostly the larger one, but was thinking about switching, but i began to wonder if the smaller apt was just my imagination, since ionly seemed to think og it when i was in the 2nd room of the first one. this might have been part of the laundry dream

Note: this was not actually "GT" at all, it was the man who had felt me up in a previous dream a few years back.


April 29, 2020

Doing a very long math problem .... on about the 60th or 61st of hundreds. All the other ones I had done up until then went well, but for this one I needed some sort of reference, perhaps on Facebook, and I didnt have it or couldnt easily access it. It was programming-related, and I had written dozens of lines, but I was sure it was still wrong. Someone else was with me and I could talk to them, but I don't remember what I said.


May 1, 2020

I had a dream involving Snoopy and a virus that made people behave like aggressive birds, invading each other's nests, and Nancy Pelosi was deemed responsible. There was a fake commercial in the dream, and at the very end, someone said "I know it's you, Nancy Pelosi."

Naked Water Bottle

May 7, 2020


I was naked at 32°F, and actually sweating a little. Heather was out there waiting, as I crawled face-down so people wouldn't see me. Most of the power lines were covered by the extremely deep snow, except for a few narrow areas where they were in between two even deeper piles of snow. Later in the dream, I apparently had winter clothes on after all.

Hospital Poison

At a hospital, two men are convinced that the local bottled water supply is not just water. One young man grabs hold of a bottle, and another man gets one through a machine. A doctor gets into a fight with the first man. The doctor, who is much older, pushes the man's hand into his chest, and says that he will crush the man's hand if he doesn't let go of the water bottle. The young man walks away timidly and gives up the bottle.

But then another guy behind him says to the doctor, "Hey, by the way, put on a gas mask." The doctor obeys, and I leave the room, knowing that the doctor would soon be dead. I grabbed my things, and came back thirty seconds later. The doctor is gone, and we all know that he had been suffocated. By this time, everyone else is gone, and there is no cafeteria, only a hospital operation room. This dream may have taken place inside a movie.

Moving out

May 8, 2020

completely empty floor in big room as ready to move out

Orange juice

May 13, 2020

I saw expired solid orange juice and wheat flavored Ritz crackers. Naively filling up the Nissan always full, having no problems ... but someone else takes over the car and has problems every time they fill it up to the top. John and someone who knew John was here, and after John got $1000, he said "Thank you, John" sarcastically because he believed he didnt believe he deserved it. Someone else, possibly Andy, had given it to him.


May 21, 2020

Red New Mexico

My mother was listening to a children's song, a cover of a song whose chorus was "give it more chance! take it one more time!" The singer was a young girl. It may have been a Beatles song.

I had a map on the wall detailing the current electoral standings, with states colored blue and red accordingly. New Mexico was not yet filled in, so I held up two New Mexicos to my mother, with the blue in my right hand (her left) and red opposite. I asked her, "Which one do you think is more likely?" and as she moved her hand towards the blue cutout I rotated my hands so that she could only reach the red.

I had a pot of water on the stove that had been boiling for a very long time, which I had planned to use for oatmeal. It was tapwater, but I expected the boiling process would purify it. I never got around to using it, however.

The Hamilton Kids

May 21, 2020

I remember only the last part of this, which means it must have been a very long dream indeed, or perhaps two long dreams in quick succession.

I was with my parents and we were going to see a movie that night. My dad wasnt interested, so he said something about needing to have more time, but in the end he must have agreed to go because he showed up in the later parts of the dream. This movie theater was in a shopping mall, and in fact, it was just one of many movie theaters within that shopping mall, all of which cooperated with each other instead of competing. That is, if one theater sold out, they would send customers to the next one, and so on. And when we got there we learned that our movie was in fact sold out, but instead of sending us to another theater, they offered us "seats" in unusual locations, and mine was right next to the person manning the projector. We agreed to take those seats and went into the theater.

The person at the entrance to the theater was a man we called Romney. This shopping mall was very large, at least six stories tall, and the theater we entered had a theater on both sides of it and I think one above it as well. Partway through the movie, I lost interest in it, and exited to go talk to Romney. I learned that our movie was only 70 minutes long, and realized it would be ending soon. After a few minutes chatting, I decided to go back inside to finish the movie. But at that very moment, the movie ended, and the crowd rushed all around me and I was forced to leave as well without saying goodbye to Romney.

Outside the mall, I noticed a short boy with wavy blonde hair standing on the sidewalk talking to some other boys. I was only barely within earshot, and may have been already sitting in the back seat of my parents' car, though if so, my parents had somehow not arrived yet. I grew interested in him as I realized he was performing a comedy routine, and his jokes seemed too advanced for his age, so I figured either he was copying them from someone else or he was very smart. I remember they were "clean" jokes as one might find in a children's book, but yet that I hadn't heard them before.

Some time passed and more children gathered around the boy. Then a woman with a uniform arrived and they formed into a line. By this time I had realized that they were all 2nd graders, and were quiz show champions from the town of Hamilton. Thus I reasoned that perhaps the boy was very smart for his age and was indeed writing all his own material. Then the children began to walk away.

At about the same time, my parents arrived and we began our drive back to our house. I told her that there was a quiz show with 2nd graders as contestants and that we could watch it on TV or online. The sun was high in the sky even though it had been around 7PM when we entered the movie theater. I noticed that something was interfering with the sunshine, though, because things looked blurry, and the whole atmosphere looked as if someone had put smeared glass around us. I may have said something like "the sun is weird". Then, on the left, we saw a tall building with lights on all its windows, pulsing rapidly up and down as if spelling a message letter by letter, but none of the shapes it formed were letters. Further down the road, also on the left, was an even larger building which was able to project a rectangular logo into the air, as a hologram. We passed both of these buildings and then found a third building, much smaller, similar to a house, but which was also a business like the other three and had a sign out front. All three of these businesses were possible explanations for why the atmosphere looked weird, and we stopped at the third one.

The third business was some sort of vacation rental service, though I remember noticing cottages and wondering if the vacations they offered involved simply staying on that small property. The property was on the ocean. His sign was blue, like the last one, and had previously been higher in the sky, but it was now just a foot off the ground. My mother offered to help him fix it, and my dad wondered if she would get a reward. I remember saying out loud that the reward might be $1000 off of a $10000 cruise, but then I stopped talking because I didnt want to offend the man we were helping.

All of this was just the latter part of an even longer dream or possibly dream sequence. I remember writing down the earlier parts, but I woke up to find out that my writing was itself part of the dream, meaning that this was either a two-layered dream or two long dreams back to back.

At some point in this dream, I remember being squished into a car with six people I didnt know. I was in the 2nd row on the left, manspreading with my right foot sticking between the drivers and passengers seats, and for some reason I was being forced to sit like that to make more room for the others. I dont know if this was part of the theater dream sequence or was a fragment of the earlier parts that I have otherwise forgot. It cant be part of the scene with the children's comedy routine because I distinctly remember being alone in the car and on the passenger side.

Moving out

May 24, 2020

working st staples, or similar job., part time. it was the last day of the week and i didnt want to come back but the schedule had me on next week and in fact the very next oning, as it was Sat night (or Fri. if schedule was SS). but there was another worker with my first name, with an Indian last name, who actually had those houre, not me. i asked if it was a mistake and he asid that that hours was indeed for me. but i thought there was some way i could get out of it anyway.

There were some wasps in the back room where I was working.


May 26, 2020


I woke up shivering, looked at the weather and saw that it was getting warmer and then cool again. It was late fall.


Wonderfool had a Latin/Greek word for swim something like coenth ... he had traced it from Latin to IE and back into Greek and we all knew something was wrong.


Playing with bops and not wanting to touch certain ones for safety reasons. There was a green number 2 that I picked up after discarding two blue 2's and one 2 of another color, perhaps another blue. A light that was on was very bright so I turned it off. It was a closet light. Then I turned on a light that was on a table.

Then I was watching an anatomy class video. A corpse was on the screen and they were teaching anatomy directly from the lit-up corpse. It caught on fire, and they said something like "Well, it was old technology .... we are going to teach ourselves with vodka!" I was at my parents' house and my mother turned the heat on even though it was hot. I admitted that it was kind of cold even though I was hot.


May 30, 2020

At a high-school type of environment, a football match between the Patriots and another team was taking place. I didn't want to participate. The Patriots lost. One team was red and the other was blue, but I dont remember which was which. I explained to the coach that football was just one of the things I didn't know how to do ... I didn't know how to wrestle either, but there were many other people in that situation.

I walked with him towards the cafeteria and I saw a store that had a Rand McNally road atlas of the USA on sale for $4.49, which said it was 1/15 of the original price. It was damaged. I wanted to buy it, and I think the coach continued on as I stopped. All of the road atlases were damaged in this way but I still wanted to buy one. There were also road atlases of Maine for perhaps $7.99. Someone advised me not to buy it, saying it was online. I went to buy it anyway, but a female customer pushed in front of me, and three more girls got in line between her and me. There was one boy, but he was just the boyfriend of one of the girls. The girl in front was trying to return an iPhone 1 case, and the other three girls were making typical purchases. Another line opened up down at the other end, but I didn't want to move so I stayed behind the female customers.


June 2, 2020

Cocomelon posted a new video involving eating hot bananas.


June 4, 2020

Someone on a web board posted a link to my work saying that I wasnt the first to have the idea, but I had developed it well .... a world where women are taller than men.


June 7, 2020

I was meeting my boyfriend, Pofei, we had a date ... he showed up in mid-afternoon, around 2:30pm, at a Chinese restaurant where my parents already were. My parents were going to meet him. He was the same height as me, even a little taller, with dark hair but no facial hair. He had a high pitched voice and I felt it might have been a birth defect. He lived close by me, such that we could walk between our houses through the woods in just 30 seconds or so.

He was "quite late". The front of my pants a bit to the right was curled down and my dad asked why ... I said it was "tapa" but I meant someone else.

I asked Pofei if he was hungry, and it was awkward, because he said yes and therefore I had to eat, even though I didnt want to ... I had just been in the restaurant earlier, though its not clear that I had eaten lunch ... I just didnt want to eat. I had been hoping that we could have gone home together, where we were planning to play video games, as I was building my day around him and not me.

Menstrual Pool Staircase Flight

June 8, 2020

Menstrual spirit spreadsheet

I was working with a spreadsheet deriving new words for Leaper, ... it was over a million columns wide but only a few thousand rows deep. There were so many words already filled in that I was able to find a universe where colors were rotated ... e.g. plants were blue and skin color was orange(?). The words were in numeric form. I had modified some of the entries, though. The word for menstrual spirit that I came up with was at the very end of the spreadsheet, and it was two morphemes that looked like they would be three syllables each either in Gold or in Leaper.

Pug Pond

I was with my dad swimming in a lake. We had some sort of vehicle. But I fell in and it was muddy water. It took me a long time to even be sure I was above the surface, as I realized I could breathe before I realized my hands were aboe water. Still I pulled myself forward to solid ground even before I could fully see. A woman was angry. I realized we were inside a pond with two similar surfaces, and I had rotated around and pulled up at the wrong one. It was also a pond within a pond, where there was water, then a pool-cement like area, then a fence, then a pond around it. Both were privately owned. I may have actually surfaced in the outer pond and then forgotten a scene that led me to the inner one. The outer pond was "Pug Pond" and my dad made a joke about flooding the innter pond so that the two connected, while i reminisced about how much things had changed since c. 2008 when it was all nature.

Employee Staircase

I was a customer at a job I had worked long ago (sixteen years or twenty-six, since it had characteristics of both, but the name seems to have been the old one). It was a fairly long but mundane dream, the only interesting part being that I noticed my mother in line behind a different cashier, even though she had not come with me. and by the time I got close she had changed roles and was now herself the cashier, so I went in line and had her ring me through. This caused problems and she had to call for help because she could not ring theough a relative.

I remember a staircase in this dream flush with the wall that employees would go up to clock in, and the break room was up there as well. On the other side was a staircase back down to the customers' area, so they could travel in either direction, but I think the other side of the staircase may have just led outside (as it had when I had worked that job much earlier).

Late for Flight

I was trying to catch a 10am flight but I was running late. By the time I went up the stairs and reached the room where I was supposed to wait in line, I was already late. Waiting in line didnt take long but there was no question .... even though the clock was set to the wrong time ... that I was late. The woman told me to go wait in a different line and I heard people around me saying that I would have to pay a fine slowly and there was no way I could do it all at once. ("It's like paying one dollar every week.") I guessed pessimistically that it was 52 weeks and was right.

I sat in a very dark area of the room and tried to tune out everything around me. A man named Jason was supposed to be handling me next, and he was about five people away to the right of me, but I didnt acknowledge him. Someone else did ask for me, and I gave my full name, but in a covered voice.

Babies in the Corridor

June 9, 2020

Babies in the Corridor

I was in a large building that had a long exit hallway that might have sloped like a wheelchair ramp, but it took up quite a long ways. Near the inner door was a group of babies who all looked alike, and some of them were tall enough to toddle, one of whom approached me. There was alaos a man among the center of them who had the body of a man but the face of a baby. i communicated only through babbling and the man smiled at me. I dont think any of us spoke any proper English words.

I think I may have been going towards a store on the outside, but i dont remember either before or after this scene.


A woman left a message on the phone saying "this is the son of ..... Tsereglas ....Tsetsekas." She later claiemd to be just married and was in a room where a woman said "welcome to your new home!" she was in california i think but was from michigan, and was linked to the murder of some person in california. she changed her name to conceal her identity and hide. i was physically present in part of this dream and wanted to find out her first name.

Scrap dreams

June 10, 2020


"Sven" chose a word for prostate that was two Chinese characters. He was eastern European, possibly Finnish, but had a schwa. He chose that to get kicked out. This was outside.


A Dreamlandic-Play sprachbund stretched through the countryside.

Scrap dreams

Early June, 2020


At a Staples-like job, damaging out items including soap, pancakes, and soap in the shape of pancakes. There was also a pack of waffles listed as pancakes. I wrote down June 29, but then woke up after realizing it was June 21. My boss told me that the area where I was working was lots of flat space. (When I woke up, I eventually realized it was June 11.)


In this dream, walgreen was the name for wintergreen. And Walgurus was a pine tree with a vascular system resembling that of animals. Scientists were interested to see if Walgurus had retained genetic characteristics common to the most recent ancestor of animals and plants.

Ice Cream Underpowered

June 14, 2020


An arcade machine was giving out far too much money in change, but only when I put in nearly $100.


I was in a very large room that was part of a gym building. There was a large competition of some sort going on, but had not yet started. Many people were sitting down on both sides of a series of desks pushed together. I was standing directly behind a young boy, watching him draw a picture. I think all of the others were also drawing pictures. Then I moved slightly to the right and stood between that boy and an older boy. A woman was in charge of us all, but I wasn't paying attention to her.

Suddenly I got up and went into the next room for no reason. Some other people followed me soon afterward. I had a roll of green trash bags, which I connected with Ireland.

The change machine may not have been in an arcade, but that's what I called it after I woke up. If so, it is certainly a memory of a webcomic I read recently, since I haven't been inside an arcade in a very long time.

Ice Cream Underpowered

June 15, 2020


The spelling of just w alternates with a full question and Phar and I was using a W and I couldnt find something smaller. Some other people tried this too.

18 cents a scoop

I was at an icecream parlor. Teens could get icecream for 18 cents per scoop if they had a membership. They had only six flavors. I asked for the flavors, but the cashier said something like "see what's on there... it's all up front." I ordered and paid, but I chose not to read the signs, and I waited a while without getting icecream. I realized it would have been better to get icecream at Joe's. A man near me with my same first name got icecream ..... his was blue and mine was green. He was in a wheelchair, and they brought the icecream to him. That may have been the reason why I didn't get mine.


I played a randomized video game sharing elements of Chrono Trigger and LTTP. I was playing a very underpowered character with either no weapons or a weapon that was utterly useless. My health bar had seven hearts, but each hit from an enemy took four hearts away, and I had nowhere to go. On top of that, I had to fight a boss. I think there was a cutscene involving conversation and that the boss was physically blocking my path.